Woman smiles at the microphone. Text: DESIGN IS [EMOTION].

Video: Design Is [Emotion]

Pamela Pavliscak on the complexity of designing for human emotions

Emotions are complicated. As technology advances, designers frequently inject human emotion into computerized interactions, voice interfaces, and physical objects like robots. But how do you apply emotion with intention, and what are the implications when combining sentiment and technology?

In this talk, Pamela Pavliscak reveals the complexities behind emotion sensing and interpretation, while considering the innate human need to be understood by our technological surroundings. She hails, “affective computing,” as the next generation of emotion in technology, encouraging everyone to design with respect for human emotion.

Pamela Pavliscak is founder of Change Sciences, a future insights firm, where she works with organizations to envision a human future for technology. Pamela is faculty at The Pratt Institute School of Information, and she has written for Quartz, Mashable, Smashing, and other publications. Designing for Happiness, her book about emotionally intelligent design, is forthcoming from O’Reilly.

Design Is […] is a monthly speaker series on the future of design and creativity. Each public talk is centered on a theme, and the series highlights a broad range of perspectives on everything from human-centered design to VR and ethics. Stay up-to-date with future Design Is [...] videos by subscribing to Google Design's YouTube channel, and reading our full collection of Design Is [...] articles.