Pixelated, overlapping circles create a vibrant, abstract design on a black background.

Design Notes: AI-Mediated Art

BJ Best on collaborating with computers to create poetry, music, and visual art

Design Notes is a show about creative work and what it teaches us. Each episode, we speak with people from unique creative fields to discover what inspires and unites us in our practice. In this episode, Liam speaks with BJ Best, a poet who teaches computers to do what humans can’t. His ArtyBots are part of a vibrant scene of robots creating, sharing, and collaborating on virtual art. In the interview, Best describes the reflective opportunities and editorial impact of a bot-created body of work numbering in the tens of thousands.

Design Notes: AI-Mediated Art

“We always have the ability to create something beautiful in the face of whatever external pressures we might be up against.”
— — BJ Best

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